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Solusi dari "Buatkan Contoh Kalimat Dari Kata Scolding,debts,hair Cut,best Student,talented Singer,jacket,graduat..."

Apakah teman-teman sering dikasih tugas sama kampus? Tapi anda bingung untuk mengerjakannya? Sebenarnya ada beberapa cara untuk mengerjakan pertanyaan tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan bertanya pada kakak kelas. Di samping itu, menemukan cara menjawabnya di web online merupakan trik yang baik saat ini. Btw, kami telah menyiapkan 1 kunci jawaban mengenai Buatkan contoh kalimat dari kata scolding,debts,hair cut,best student,talented singer,jacket,graduat... . Okey, langsung saja baca cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya di bawah: Buatkan Contoh Kalimat Dari Kata Scolding,debts,hair Cut,best Student,talented Singer,jacket,graduation,new Baby And Contest Jawaban: #1: My sister is the best student in her school. That boy is the talented singer. I borrow your jacket tonight. Let's join the contest. I like his hair cut. mccurdy jennette thirst hawtcelebs (sumber gambar:

Solusi dari "Introducing Ourselves) Script Dialog Dari Video Tentang MEMBERI DAN MEMINTA INFORMASI TERKAIT JATI D..."

Lagi mencari cara menyelesaikan tentang Introducing ourselves) Script dialog dari video tentang MEMBERI DAN MEMINTA INFORMASI TERKAIT JATI D...? Bila benar, sobat sudah berada di website yang tepat.

Btw, kami telah memiliki 1 cara menjawab tentang Introducing ourselves) Script dialog dari video tentang MEMBERI DAN MEMINTA INFORMASI TERKAIT JATI D.... Monggo pelajari cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut disini:

Introducing Ourselves)


Sarah : Hi, My Name Is Sarah
Josh : Hi, Sarah! Nice To Meet You.
Sarah : What's Your Name?
Josh : My Name Is Josh.
Sarah : Nice To Meet You Josh. Where Are You From?
Josh : I'm From Guatemala.
Sarah : Oh, Cool.
Josh : Where Are You From?
Sarah : I'm From Mexico. How Old Are You?
Josh : I'm 31 Years Old. How Old Are You?
Sarah : I'm 25 Years Old
Josh : Do You Have Any Siblings?
Sarah : Yes, I Have Three Brothers. I Don't Have Any Sisters. Do You Have Any Brothers Or Sisters?
Josh : Yes, I Have One Sister. I Don't Have Any Brother.
Sarah : How Old Is Your Sister?
Josh : She Is 22 Years Old.
Sarah : Does She Live In The United States.
Josh : No, She Lives With My Parents In Guatemala.
Sarah : Oh, Nice.

Task 1. Read Carefully The Conversation 1 And Answer The Questions.
Where Does The Conversation Take Place?
What Does Sarah Say To Introduce Herself?
What Does Josh Say To Respond It?
Do You Think They Are Old Friend? How Do You Know?
What Basic Information Does Josh Give To Introduce Himself? Mention 3 Information!​

Jawaban: #1:


1. The conversation take place in United States

2. She say "Hi, my name is Sarah"

3. He say "Hi Sarah! Nice to meet you."

4. Menyebutkan Umur teman lama mu. Contoh: Chaca 13 years old

5. -My name is Josh

-I'm From Guatemala

-I'm 31 years old


Maaf klo ada yg slah ya^^

Charles Kelley music, videos, stats, and photos |

(sumber gambar:

Itulah cara mengerjakan tentang "Introducing ourselves) Script dialog dari video tentang MEMBERI DAN MEMINTA INFORMASI TERKAIT JATI D..." yang bisa kami berikan, semoga bisa membantu!
