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Solusi dari "Buatkan Contoh Kalimat Dari Kata Scolding,debts,hair Cut,best Student,talented Singer,jacket,graduat..."

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Solusi dari "46. There Was A Lot Of Discussion About Whether Boxing Should Be Banned. The Schematic Structure Of..."

Apakah sobat lebih nyaman memakai metoda belajar dengan mencari cara mengerjakannya di google? Jika iya, maka teman-teman bukanlah satu-satunya.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metoda belajar dengan metoda menemukan ulasannya dapat meningkatkan hasil tes pada mata pelajaran.

Kami sudah memiliki 1 cara menyelesaikan atas 46. There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned. The schematic structure of.... Tak perlu basa basi, langsung saja baca cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

46. There Was A Lot Of Discussion About Whether Boxing Should Be Banned. The Schematic Structure Of This Sentence Is â¦. A. Issue D. Recommendation B. Conclusion E. Argument For C. Argument Against 47. However, There Are Also Strong Arguments Against This Point Of View. The Underlined Words Mean â¦. A. Advice D. Suggestion B. Encouragement E. Decision C. Opinion 48. The Communicative Purpose Of The Text Is â¦. A. To Describe Boxing B. To Present Two Points Of View About Boxing C. To Persuade The Readers That Boxing Is The Case D. To Retell An Event With A Humorous Twist E. To Critique Boxing For The Public Audiences 49. The Followings Are Reasons Why Boxing Shouldnât Be Banned, Except â¦. A. Boxing Is Not Dangerous Sport. B. People Enjoy Boxing. C. Banning Boxing Will Ruin Peopleâs Career. D. Boxing Is A Good Sport. E. Boxers Should Wear Something To Protect Their Heads. 50. What Is The Best Conclusion We Can Get From The Text Above? A. The Writer Said That Boxing Should Not Be Banned. B. The Writer Agreed To Do Boxing As A Sport. C. The Writer Stated That Boxing Should Be Banned. D. Boxing Is Not A Good Sport As It Can Ruin Peopleâs Career. E. People Invent Boxing As A Dangerous Sport.

Jawaban: #1:


Jawaban pertanyaan anda adalah:

46. There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned. The schematic structure of this sentence is a. issue

Penjelasan: Kalimat di atas mengenalkan problem atau issue yang dibahas dalam sebuah teks.

47. However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. The underlined words mean  c. opinion

Penjelasan: Kalimat diatas mengandung opini atau pendapat yang tidak setuju dengan topik pembahasan atau issue)

48. The communicative purpose of the text is  b. to present two points of view about boxing

(Teks berbentuk exposition yang mempunyai fungsi untuk menyajikan dua sudut pandang dari sebuah masalah)

49. The followings are reasons why boxing shouldn't be banned, except? a. Boxing is not dangerous sport.

(Yang bukan merupakan alasan tinju tidak seharusnya dihilangkan adalah A)  

50. What is the best conclusion we can get from the text above? a. The writer said that boxing should not be banned. b. The writer agreed to do boxing as a sport. c. The writer stated that boxing should be banned. d. Boxing is not a good sport as it can ruin peopleâs career. e. People invent boxing as a dangerous sport.

(Pada soal ini saya tidak bisa menjawab, karena anda tidak melengkapi dengan gambar atau teks yang terkait)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut


Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B.Inggris

Kategori: Explanation Text

Kode: 12.5.4

Kata kunci: boxing, explanation text

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