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Kami telah menyiapkan 1 kunci jawaban mengenai 41 Complete the following dialogs about opinion! These days, it seems like everything is going digit.... Tak perlu panjang lebar, langsung saja baca cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya disini:

41 Complete The Following Dialogs About Opinion! These Days, It Seems Like Everything Is Going Digital. Even Shopping, Check In Hotels And Buy A Train Ticket. What Do You Think About That? Martha Naila . : I Have Read A Newspaper Any Good News? : I've Just Read About Full Day School So What Your Opinion About That? In My View,.. B. Tommy Emily Tommy Emily Tommy 42. Make A Dialog Of Invitation Based On The Following Situation! Your Mother Will Have A Dinner Party. You Invite Your Best Friend To Come To The Party. It Will Be Held In Your House At 7 Pm. 43, Complete The Letter With The Correct Words! 7th November 2018 Dear Friend Hello Laura, How Are You Today? Hopefully You Are Fine. It's Been A While Since You Left Me Here Alone, Huhuhu So Sad. My Family And I Here Are Missing You A Lot. How Is Paris? Iguess It's Very Beautiful. Winter Is Coming Soon Right? Ah, I Really Want To 1) How The Winter Is, But, The Most Important, Please 2) Warm Outfits And Dont Get Sick I Wrote This Letter To Describe My Holidays In Yogyakarta. I And My Family Were Very Happy From The First Travel. It Was Clean And No Pollution. Then We 3). At The Hotel. The Hotel Was So Big I Thought I Would Get Lost In It. Then In The Evening We Went To The Beaches And Enjoyed The Relaxed Scenery. At Night, We 4) A Film. The Next Day We Went To The Famous Tourist Places. At The Last Day We Went Home By Train And I Wished To Come Back To Yogyakarta Because The Scenery Here Is Wonderful I Think Enjoyed My Holiday. Eager To Know About Your Holidays. Say My Greetings To Uncle And Aunty. Your Dearest Friend Alan 44. Change The Direct Speech Into Reported Spech! Widya Said, I Get A New Handphone As A Birthday Present Yuda Said, "Mother Is The Most Important Person In My Life" A B 45. Rearrange The Following Procedure Text Into A Good Order How To Use Electric Iron: 1) Place The Clothes On The Place Mat. Plug The Iron Cable Into An Electricity Socket And Wait Until The Iron Get Wamer. 2) 3) Continue With Another Clothes. 4) Prepare The Iron, The Clothes, A Place Mat Or Any Flat Surface Board, Some Clothing Hanger 5) Apply The Iron On The Clothes Surface Evenly. 6) Put The Clothes On The Clothing Hanger 77 Flip The Clothes And Apply The Iron On The Other Side Of The Clothes Evenly.​

Jawaban: #1:



a. I think for these days everything is much easier to get them

  (aku pikir saat ini segalanya segalanya lebih mudah untuk didapatkan)

b. full day school is wasting time because student will get tired more easily, so the learning process is disturbed

   (sekolah seharian penuh membuang2 waktu karena siswa akan lebih mudah lelah sehingga proses pembelajarannya terganggu)


I : Hi, my mother will have a dinner party tonight in my house. I want to invite you to come to the party.

F : Really? I loved it. When it will be held?

I : It will be held at 7 pm

F : Ok, see you tonight

I : see you


1. know

2. wear

3. stayed

4. watched


a. Widya said that she got a new handphone as a birthday present

b. Yuda said that mother is the most important person in his life



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