Answer The Question Based On The Family Tree Above! 1. Mary Is Charles ____ 2. Tom Is Lisa _____ 3.... termasuk salah satu soal yang banyak dicari dan dapat kamu baca jawabannya disini.
Kami sudah menyusun 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai Answer the question based on the family tree above! 1. Mary is Charles ____ 2. Tom is Lisa _____ 3..... Okey, langsung saja lihat cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut di bawah:
Answer The Question Based On The Family Tree Above!
1. Mary Is Charles ____
2. Tom Is Lisa _____
3. Anisa Is Tom ____
4. George Is Alice ____
5. Mary Is George ____
6. Bob Is Ann ____
7. Tom And Lisa Are Matt _____
8. Charles Is Johns _____
tolong Please
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
1) Mary is Charles's niece.
2) Tom is Lisa's husband.
3) Anita is Tom's sister in law.
4) George is Alice's brother.
5) Mary is George's cousin.
6) Bob is Ann's grandfather.
7) Tom and Lisa are Matt's siblings.
8) Charles is John's uncle.
Example of Family Tree:
Hamilton's Family
Albert (Grandfather) - Regina (Grandmother)
Robert (Father) - Elizabeth (Mother) Clark (Uncle) - Kimberly (Aunt)
Norman (Uncle) - Merry (Aunt) Sam (Uncle) - Peggy (Aunt)
Robert (Father) and Elizabeth (Mother) are theirs children
- David (Son)
- Lauren (Daugther) - David (Lauren's boyfriend)
- Emily (Daughter)
- Ruby (Daughter)
- Gina (Daughter)
Clark (Father) and Kimberly (Mother)
- James (Son)
- Charlie (Son)
- Olivia (Daughter)
Norman (Father) and Merry (Mother)
- Claudia (Daughter)
- Julia (Daughter)
- Hottie (Daughter)
- Harper (Daughter)
- Caitlin (Daughter)
Sam (Father) and Peggy (Mother)
- Cleve (Son)
- Dalton (Son)
- William (Son)
- Jacob (Son)
- Isabella (Daughter)
1) David is James's cousin.
2) Lauren is Robert's daughter.
3) Regina is Olivia's grandmother.
4) Norman is Albert's son.
5) Emily is Elizabeth's daughter.
6) Claudia is Regina's grand daughter.
7) Elizabeth is Robert's wife.
8) Emily is Lauren's sister.
9) Harper is Elizabeth's aunt.
10) Hottie is Lauren's cousin.
11) Kimberly is Regina's daughter in law.
12) Ruby is Clark's niece.
13) Robert and Elizabeth are Lauren's and Emily's parents.
14) Albert and Regina are David, Lauren, Emily, Gina, and Ruby's grandparents.
15) Kimberly is Sam's sister in law.
I hope this help
Happy Family

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