Solusi dari "Artinya Female Dan Male"

Sedang cari kunci jawaban tentang artinya female dan male? Kalau benar, kamu sudah ada di situs yang tepat.

Kami sudah menyusun 1 cara menjawab tentang artinya female dan male. Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya di bawah:

Artinya Female Dan Male

Jawaban: #1:

Male and female, in general, means 'laki-laki' and 'perempuan' in Indonesian language. They are words which are related to gender.


The words 'female' and 'male' are common term for distinguish the two genders. Such word is often uttered in sentences with general context for both genders. This term, which has the meaning 'girl/woman' whereas 'male' means 'boy/man, can be seen very often in a book, article/ essay or form. Here is the example of them below:

  • The main female characters in the Disney movies today tend to be strong, independent and courageous. Such is quite different from the ones in the earlier decades.
  • The mining industry is still considered a male-dominated field of work today.

These words are also used in the context of animal too, instead of only for human being. In Indonesian language, they mean 'betina/ perempuan' for female and 'jantan/ laki-laki' for male. Here's the example:

  • For certain insects, the male one will have to be sacrificed to perish after mating while the female one rules the colony.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Male and female meaning

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: vocabulary

Kode: 7.5.5

Kata kunci: male and female

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