Solusi dari "Text: The People Who Agreed With This Idea, Such As Sarah, Claim That If They Do Carry On Boxing The..."

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By the way, kami telah menyiapkan 2 kunci jawaban tentang text: The people who agreed with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing the.... Silakan baca cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya disini:

The People Who Agreed With This Idea, Such As Sarah, Claim That If They Do Carry On Boxing They Should Wear Something To Protect Their Heads.They Also Argue That People Who Do Boxing Could Have Brain Damage And Get Seriously Hurt.A Further Point They Make Is That Most Of The People That Have Died Have Families.However, There Are Also Strong Arguments Against This Point Of View.Another Group Of People Believe That Boxing Should Not Be Banned.They Say That Boxing Is A Good S People Enjoy It.A Furthermore Reason Is If They Ban Boxing It Will Ruin People's Careers.After Looking At The Different Points Of View And The Evidence For Them Think Boxing Should Be Banned Because Five Hundred People Have Died In Boxing Since 1884.

1. Why Do People Argue If Boxing Be Banned?because...
A.Most Of The People That Have Died Have Families
B.They Say That Boxing Is A Good Sport, People Enjoy It.
C.Boxing Could Have Brain Damage And Get Seriously Hurt.
D.Women Dislike Boxing.
E.It Very Dangerous Sport

Jawaban: #1: cari di gogle trnslit Jawaban: #2: yes..............................

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