Solusi dari "Buatlaj Karangan Tentang Dua Teman Tentang Your Best Friends/friends You Can Learn Form."

Apakah sobat telah tahu, kalau melihat cara mengerjakan tugas dengan menggunakan mesin pencarian di internet adalah cara efektif yang perlu dicoba?. Bila tidak tahu, sebaiknya sobat cobain gih!

Menurut riset bahwa pembelajaran dengan metoda melihat ulasannya bisa meningkatkan nilai pada mata pelajaran matematika.

Btw, kami telah mempunyai 2 ulasan atas buatlaj karangan tentang dua teman tentang your best friends/friends you can learn form.. Monggo baca cara menjawabnya selengkapnya di bawah:

Buatlaj Karangan Tentang Dua Teman Tentang Your Best Friends/friends You Can Learn Form.

Jawaban: #1: Once upon a time, there were 2 best friend walking in the forest to get some woods for their mom. Suddenly, a big black bear came out from the bushes and tried to catch them. The one boy climbed up the tree, and the other one pretended to die on the ground. The bear thought that the boy on the ground was death, then it tried to climb up the tree to catch the other boy. Suddenly, the boy on the ground remembered that he brought a bucket full of raw fishes to eat, so he gave them to the bear. The hungry bear immediately ate the fishes one by one, and the boy on the tree climbed down the tree. While the bear was eating those fishes, those 2 bestfriend run away. After they went home, the boy who was on the tree brought his bestfriend a meal for saving his life Jawaban: #2: rina and sophia are best friends since childhood, they often play together. even their families are close together. Once, rina has financial problems, she is embarrassed to borrow money from her own best friend, Sophia. rina then went to a loan shark and borrowed money from him. after a few days, rina debts accumulate. rina became unfocused in learning, and her performance got worse. sophia, as her friend began to suspect over what happened to rina. he followed rina on his way home from college, and he noticed a loan shark in front of his house. Sophia immediately rushed to him and after knowing what happened, sophia paid the rina debt to the loan shark. because sophia comes from a wealthy family, he can pay off the debt quickly. rina is very grateful to sophia, then sophia says that if she has a problem, do not be buried alone.
the lesson that can be taken is when we have a problem, do not be buried alone, because not all problems can be solved alone. we must also help our friends who are in distress, and help those in need around us. we also have to care about the environment because we are social beings

i think that's all...... hope this help you......

Missy Goldberg - Friends Central - TV Show, Episodes, Characters

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