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Who Is Teh Prime Minister Of A Country Kls 6​ adalah salah satu soal yang bisa sobat lihat jawabannya disini.

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Who Is Teh Prime Minister Of A Country

kls 6​

Jawaban: #1:


Prime minister is a head of goverment of a country same as a president

Jawaban: #2:


The prime minister is the chief minister [1] or someone who heads a cabinet in a country with a parliamentary system. Usually held by a politician, although in some countries, the prime minister is held by the military. In many systems, the prime minister has the right to elect and dismiss members of his cabinet, and to allocate these positions to the people he elects, whether because of the similarity of parties or political factions.

Positions equivalent to the Prime Minister are President of the Council of Ministers, President of Government, First Minister, Chief Minister, Chancellor, Premier, Taoiseach, State Minister, State Secretary or Ulu. Some ancient titles such as Grand Vizier and Mahapatih are also equated with Prime Minister.


Maaf ya kalau salah

Katalin Novák: Fidesz leaves EPP due to hostile move | Visegrád Post

(sumber gambar:

Nah itulah cara menyelesaikan mengenai PR di atas yang bisa kami berikan, semoga bisa membantu!

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