Tahukah sobat, bila mencari kunci jawaban PR dengan memakai mesin pencarian di internet adalah solusi cepat yang harus sobat coba?.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metoda belajar dengan metoda melihat ulasannya bisa meningkatkan hasil tes pada pelajaran.
Kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara menjawab dari Buat (-) (?) 1. the lion sometimes eat the grass greedily in the afternoon at the forest 2. the prof.... Monggo baca cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut disini:
Buat (-) (?)
1. The Lion Sometimes Eat The Grass Greedily In The Afternoon At The Forest
2. The Prof Always Gives Lecture Hurrily In The Class At Weekend
3. Those Soldiers Never Shoot The Wrong Target At The War
4. Every Year, Judi Spends Her Holiday Alone In Munich
5. My Son, Usually Ask A Toy Gun Angrily
jawab Please Makasi
Jawaban: #1: 1. (-) the lion doesnt eat the grass greedly in afternoon at the forest (?) does the lion sometimes eat the grass greedily in afternoon at the forest ??
2. (-) the prof doesn't always give lecture hurrily in class at weekend
(?) does the prof always gives lecture hurrily in class at weekend ?
3. (-) these soldier doesn't never shoot the wrong target at the war
(?) does those soldier nerver shoot tje wrong target at the war ?
4. (-) every year, judi doesn't spend her holiday alone in munich
(?) does every year judi spends her holiday alone in munich ?
5. (-) my son doesn't usual ask a toy gun angrily
(?) does my son ussualy ask a toy gun angrily ??
maaf klo salah
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