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Kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara menjawab mengenai Study the following dialogue carefully, then answer the questions! Mandy and Ellen are sitting aroun.... Tak perlu panjang lebar, langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut disini:

Study The Following Dialogue Carefully, Then Answer The Questions!
Mandy And Ellen Are Sitting Around In Front Of Their School Cafeteria
Mandy: I Didn't Watch TV Last Night. What Was The Result Of The Indonesian Idol Last Night? Who Was
Ellen : Well, As A Whole, All The Contestant Were Good, Their Voices And Stage Performances. Nuca Hac
to Be Eliminated From The Show.
Mandyy : What About Lyodra, Did She Sing Well?
: Oh, Lyodra, How Marvelous She Is. I'm Very Proud Of Her. Sshe Could Sing Very Well.
Mandy : Oh, What A Pity I Am. I Didn't Watch Them.
: Don't Worry You Can Watch It On Youtube Today.
Question :
1. How Many People Are There In The Dialogue?
2. Who Are They?
3. What Are They Talking About?​

Jawaban: #1:


1. Two people.

2. Ellen and Mandy.

3. About the result of the Indonesian Idol last night.

Semoga membantu yaa, kalau ada koreksi boleh tulis di kolom komentar ^_^

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